Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One Broke Girl

I'm pretty much broke. Haha. I need to save all or most of my money if I want to be able to pay my bills. I was lucky enough to get 20 bucks from my aunt and uncle. Aaaahh. I didn't even ask for any money but they just gave it to me. I can use that to get my bikey fixed. I really need to because I want to keep biking and exercising. I hope to get it fixed at least by Friday, the latest Saturday. If anything... then MONDAY will be... if I can anyways.

This weekend will be busy. I actually have work! WOW. I've had six days off... aaahh. How lame. :-( No monies... but I will finally work tomorrow and all up until next week Thursday. So that's good. I've had too many days off it's time to get back to work.

It's Yom Kippur... so I can't eat until 7:19pm... haha. I can't wait... what to eat? I want something really yummy. Aahhh, we'll see I guess. Yeah... that's about it.

No ponies for a while... eek.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

A While...

I haven't posted in a while. I have been busy with work, stuff and more work! 

Also, August 28th my niece Kylie was born =) So... that's exciting. I'm an aunt. Seems weird. Me... an aunt? Hmmm, well you know what that means? I get to spoil her with pony toys... when the time comes. Haha.

What else... hmmm? This past weekend I went to Comikaze with David. It was really fun especially because I dressed up as Pinkie Pie. Still waiting on pictures from Dave. I really want to post them... so I keep reminding him...

I went biking last night with Cliff. We biked around Burbank and ended up in Vermont/Sunset. We then took the metro back to Universal City Walk Station and biked back. So we biked about 20+ miles. It was really fun. You can bike a lot further when you're with someone else.

Okay that's it for now.
