Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So many things to do!

Currently my room is a mess... eeek. I can't stand it. But at the same time I'm so tired and have been working most days. Maybe later in the week I can finally clean up and place things where they should go.  It's annoying stepping around my stuff and moving things and putting them back on the same place where they don't belong. Aaaah. I hate messiness... and yet I have a mess. Booo :-( sad face.

In other news this past Friday was the 1st Friday which means... First Fridays at the Natural History museum. It was pretty fun and I got to take pics with my new camera. 

These came out pretty nice. I also just found out my camera can take pictures while I'm recording video... how amazing is that! Which also reminds me... I have to start making my videos again. I think it's almost a year since I last uploaded a video to youtube. It's been too long. Videos! I have so many choices... I guess.

Other news: I just bought the whole Lord of The Rings set. The extended edition. Yay. I'm so happy. I can watch the movies whenever I want to. For hours and hours and hours. Lol. Just like how I have watched The Hobbit 5 times, hehe. Need to catch up with movies. So many coming out. Aaaah.


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