Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2008 -----> 2014!

So it's been 6 years since I met David my boy. :-) It's been a loooong time since then. But in a way it doesn't feel like it. Haha. We met at The Grove. I used to live in Koreatown at that time. I remember walking around the Grove and he decided to get dinner. I just watched him eat. I was too embarrassed to eat in front of him. LOL. We also ended up getting Starbucks. I bought him a hot chocolate... all because I wanted change for the bus. I was the first in buying something for the other. Yay! I win. Haha. 

We dated for a bit until he had to leave and go back home. Family stuff. We didn't get together until he came back from Connecticut about a year and a half later. During that whole time I waited and waited for him to come back. I didn't want to be with anyone else because I didn't want my future self to think back to the past and wondered "what if I had waited?". :-) I'm glad I waited, even though I felt horrible and lonely.

In July of this year it will be 4 years for us. I don't know what exact day we got together... but it's a whole month celebration to me! :-]


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