Saturday, October 4, 2014

New Computer 2014

Shortly after I got a new phone, my computer died. Ahh. My poor imac. I've had my comp since early 2009. I still have to take it to a shop and see if I can still get all my info off from it. I'm hoping I can, if not, oh well. I move on. I was without a desktop computer for two weeks. I tried using an old laptop and I somehow manage to get it to work. That laptop compute was bought in 2006. I used it for a few days to work on something for my mom then it decided to stopped working. I borrowed Dave's old laptop until I was able to get a new comp. Thanks to Dave I got a new iMac! :-D Yay. It's so pretty and big. I got a 27 inch screen :-) I also managed to get the programs I paid from back from when I was in school. :-D YAY. Those were the important things. I can use photoshop, after effects, illustrator, and some other ones. I also downloaded Minecraft again. I played a little bit but I've been busy writing and drawing some comic book story ideas. Haha. Yup. I will see what I can do with that. So yay for my new comp and all the new stuff I will be able to make.

This is my desktop pic :-) HEHE.


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