Sunday, January 22, 2012

History, Comedy and Kabbalah!

Yesterday Saturday,  I woke up to watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic at 7am on the HUB. I finally get to watch it on TV since the new season started at the begging of this year. I put my alarm at at 6:55am so I wouldn't have to wait so long for it to start. I was sitting for one minute on the couch and David comes out and cuddles next to me and watches my show. Haha.

David and I also went to the Natural History Museum. I really wanted to go see the dinosaurs at the Dinosaur Hall, so finally we did. So yay! It was really awesome seeing a lot of the dinosaur boneys. We also saw the exhibit of the "Age of Mammals" and "Gems and Minerals" exhibit. Lots of pretty stuff and I also took some pictures.

After we went to Joe's Comedy show at The Comedy Store. We were running a bit late, and we needed food. We went to Fat Burger and got a quick burger to take and eat once we have parked near The Comedy Store. But Joe texted back saying the main guy in charge wasn't even there... so It would probably start later and it did. It started until 6pm. The show time was 5pm. Grrr at people for being disorganized and not responsible. Do not put a show that is on early if you cannot be there on the time it's supposed to start. But anyways, we ate our burger and there was a homeless person near by. I felt weird eating in front of the guy, so I was trying to hide my food away from him. Dave kinda felt bad about eating in front of him, he ended up giving him some money. After that we went to the entrance of the place and waited in line for like maybe 15 minutes I think. It felt longer... but I'm not sure. We saw Ariel outside waiting in line but then she went off to say bye to someone who wasn't really old enough to be in a comedy club that serves alcohol. After a bit of waiting, Ariel joined us, and we finally went in to wait in another line to pay and finally go in. We had to get two items to drink, it's a minimum requirement. My first one was a frozen mocha and the second one was a virgin piña colada. Dave also ordered some cookies... and when we got them it was only two... O_O I was shocked. For five dollars... only two? Jezz. Anyways, Joe was on until 7pm. It turned out perfect because a parking meter expired at 7:16pm. We got to Dave's car with two minutes remaining.

I had a Kabbalah meeting with people that night, so it still turned out well that we left at the time we had to. It didn't start until 8pm, but we went towards the hotel area and waited at the mall for a little bit until my Kabbalah thingy started. Dave dropped me off and went off to a coffee place to work on work stuff. I was actually surprised at myself that I talked to people at the event. I guess it was easier because we had something in common. After a lecture and talking to people I called Dave at about 9:45pm to come and get me. We went to his place and then we just relaxed and went to sleep late. I think we fell asleep quickly.

That's it for now.


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